
You look a little puzzled.

So the new sober activity is puzzles. All sorts of puzzles. Bright, big, small, candy filled, mind numbing, eye sizzling puzzles. I do find it enjoyable although I get a little bit too into it-staring in the same spot for what seems like hours. Here is what was accomplished today:

Aw look, Im so arty. Anyway, it's been raining for 5 or 6 days straight and my little tomat-er plants and herb garden thing are loving it. I feel like I'm 80 when I talk about the plants I'm growing. Also I learned I really like tax refunds and I'm going to do my taxes more often. Speaking of taxes, I have a job interview tomorrow at EB Games for Assistant Manager. Remember a few posts ago I was talking about that? And I really thought they weren't going to call me BUT THEY DID because I'm awesome and going to naaaaiiiilllllll itttttt! If I don't get the job I am seriously going to sink into a pit of depression. Need a job-going out of my mind.

I drew a picture quickly in-between all the puzzling I've been doing. You better like it. I hate the shovel.

Im going to upload a video of my friends dog being excited on the way to my house to see my dog. You'll loveitttt. Until then lovers.

Update: Here's the video.


  1. I miss doing puzzles. I settle for online mind thingies now. Not the same.

    You own that job already. Swagger. Yo.

    I love the detail on that shovel. Cough. No, it looks like it wants to eat me, then bury my remains. I hope that's what you aimed for because I can't see it being much else.

  2. @D4-You should do a puzzle or two, its relaxing kind of.
    and thanks for the positive reinforcement! Makes me feel awesomeeee!

  3. oh no, a timesink to end all timesinks..

    i assume it isn't double sided >.<

  4. I love pictures of puzzles.

    I used to do them, but I've traded it for online scrabble.

  5. cute.
    drawing reminds me of a zombie
    and i hope you get the job

  6. Good luck on the job and you will Naaaaiiiiiilll it ;)

  7. PFF, D'AWWWW :D
    i haven't done a puzzle in years, i think i lost what little attention span i had

  8. those are some gret shots of the puzzle. Really makes it look like quite the task.

  9. almost looks puzzles fun. haha, cool blog

  10. Id really like your tomatoes. Ok, that didn't come out right. Ahhh there I go again.

  11. There was a time when i enjoyed puzzles..... :)

  12. the puzzle looks good, are you done by now? I sometimes do them too, at the beginning it's quite chaotic but it feels great to find a fitting piece

  13. Thats a really neat creature dude. And geez, so many pieces... I don't like puzzles all that much.
